CABINET CTM - Le forum

Isabelle DEMETTRE et Thibaut-Marc CAPLAIN
Votre Consultant en immobilier, crédit et assurances

Gsm: +33 (0)6 25 45 42 76

Sarl Cabinet CTM
Appt 21, 28A rue Jean Moulin
80000 Amiens - France
CABINET CTM - Le forum

Isabelle DEMETTRE et Thibaut-Marc CAPLAIN
Votre Consultant en immobilier, crédit et assurances

Gsm: +33 (0)6 25 45 42 76

Sarl Cabinet CTM
Appt 21, 28A rue Jean Moulin
80000 Amiens - France
CABINET CTM - Le forum
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» CABINET CTM - #France
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeLun 5 Jan - 11:38 par SNIPPER02

» Forum des Commerçants
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeJeu 5 Déc - 14:17 par Invité

» AXA - Responsabilité des Dirigeants d'Entreprises et d’Associations
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:46 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Assurance perte d'emploi
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:45 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Contrat Homme Clé
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:44 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Retraite « Article 83 »
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:43 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Epargne PEE-I / PERCO-I Net Epargne Salariale
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:42 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Adaptalia Dépendance
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:41 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Adaptalia Gérant Majoritaire Santé / Couverture Santé Dirigeant
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:40 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Adaptalia Entreprises Santé
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:39 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Contrat Gérant Majoritaire Prévoyance
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:38 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Adaptalia Entreprises Prévoyance
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:38 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Contrat Responsabilité Civile Prestataires de services
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:37 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Contrat Responsabilité Civile Entreprises
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:36 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Offre Conseil
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:35 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - BTPlus Spécial Travaux Publics
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:35 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Pack G.R.E.EN.
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:34 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Offre Métiers de l’Information et de la Communication
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:33 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Offre Industrie des Boissons
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:33 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - BTPlus Concept
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:31 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - BTPlus
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:30 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Descriptif de l'offre
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:29 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Multirisques des Professionnels de l’automobile
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:28 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Atouts Parc
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:27 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Multirisques Exposition
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:27 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Dommages Ouvrage - Tous Risques Chantiers
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:26 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Assurance Annulation d’évènements
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:25 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Offre Transport
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:24 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Transports privés de marchandises
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:23 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Marchandises Transportées
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:22 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Multirisques
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:21 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Multiclic+
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:20 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Bris de machines
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:19 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Agilibre : une gamme adaptée pour les entreprises
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:16 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Adaptalia Entreprises Dépendance
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:15 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Epargne PEE-I / PERCO-I
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:09 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Solere/ IFC : Indemnités de fin de carrière
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:07 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Retraite « Article 83 »
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:06 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Santé Expatriés
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:05 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Adaptalia Entreprises Santé
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:04 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Prévoyance expatriés
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:03 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Adaptalia Entreprises Prévoyance
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:03 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - La couverture prévoyance de vos salariés
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:02 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Industrie Nautique
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:01 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Industrie agroalimentaire
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 14:00 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Assurance Professionnels et Industriels des Boissons
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:59 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Industrie
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:59 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Maîtrise d’œuvre, architectes, bureaux d’études
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:58 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Travaux Publics
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:56 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Maîtres d’ouvrages professionnels, constructeurs de maisons individuelles et promoteurs immobiliers
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:55 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Artisans et entreprises du bâtiment
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:30 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Etablissements de Soins
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:28 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Transport et Logistique
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:27 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Métiers du Conseil
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:25 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Métiers de l’Information et de la Communication
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:24 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Services aux particuliers, Aide à la famille
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:23 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Autres services aux Entreprises
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:22 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Commerce et Distribution
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:21 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Professionnels de l'Immobilier
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:17 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Professionnels de l’automobile
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:16 par SNIPPER02

» AXA - Evénementiels culturels et sportifs
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMer 21 Aoû - 13:14 par SNIPPER02

» Nouvelle Gamme EBP
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMar 20 Aoû - 17:57 par SNIPPER02

» Rentrée scholaire Université CTM le 1er Octobre ! Inscrivez-vous vite !
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMar 20 Aoû - 17:34 par SNIPPER02

» CCD CLUB recrute : Consultants Indépendants H/F
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMar 20 Aoû - 15:04 par SNIPPER02

» CABINET CTM recrute : Apporteurs d'affaires H/F
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeMar 20 Aoû - 14:30 par SNIPPER02

» Chez CABINET CTM, le Réseau social 100% gratuit ! Alors pourquoi vous payez ?...
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 18:06 par SNIPPER02

» Espace pub web
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 17:01 par SNIPPER02

» Formation longue
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:40 par SNIPPER02

"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:36 par SNIPPER02

» Offre de business
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:30 par SNIPPER02

» Appel d'offre privé
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:24 par SNIPPER02

» Investissement AgroIndustrie
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:17 par SNIPPER02

» Pièces auto sur internet
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:16 par SNIPPER02

"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:16 par SNIPPER02

» Monument.ID
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:15 par SNIPPER02

» "SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:14 par SNIPPER02

» Next Generation Secure Mobile Devices
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:13 par SNIPPER02

» Growth Capital required for IP Telecommunications and IP Equipment Distribution Company!
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:13 par SNIPPER02

» Waste Tyre Recycling Processing Plant
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:12 par SNIPPER02

» myGuard is a unique mobile service which helps to prevent crime and secures evidence for the police
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:11 par SNIPPER02

» Facility Services - An Enormous Opportunity in India. Growth Capital Required.
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:11 par SNIPPER02

» An online and multi-level marketing business selling cosmetics. Current turnover is €2 million
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:10 par SNIPPER02

» IT Innovations Conference
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:09 par SNIPPER02

» - A Unique Network for Engineering Faculty
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:09 par SNIPPER02

"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:08 par SNIPPER02

» Procédé vert de récupération des métaux précieux
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:07 par SNIPPER02

» Funding required for stock for successful, established business
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:07 par SNIPPER02

» Equity partner required for expansion of Financial Advisory Business
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:06 par SNIPPER02

» Gaming & Hospitality Stake Ownership
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:05 par SNIPPER02

» Livre d'or: CABINET CTM-Le Forum
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 15:14 par Invité

» Présentez-vous aux autres membres
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 14:59 par Isabelle DEMETTRE

» Forum des professionnels de la santé et du bien être
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 14:17 par Isabelle DEMETTRE

» Forum des Sportifs et des Fans de sports
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 14:05 par Thibaut-Marc CAPLAIN

» Forum des Producteurs et Réalisateurs
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 13:55 par Thibaut-Marc CAPLAIN

» Forum des Comédiens et Acteurs
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 13:55 par Thibaut-Marc CAPLAIN

» Forum des Ecrivains
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 13:54 par Thibaut-Marc CAPLAIN

» Forum des Auteurs-Compositeurs-Interprétes-Musiciens-Chanteurs
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 13:53 par Thibaut-Marc CAPLAIN

» Forum des Consultants
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 13:52 par Thibaut-Marc CAPLAIN

» Forum des Investissseurs
"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 13:51 par Thibaut-Marc CAPLAIN

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 "SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!

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Lion Serpent
Messages : 268
Points : 958
Date d'inscription : 07/07/2010
Age : 58

"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  Empty
MessageSujet: "SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!    "SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!  I_icon_minitimeSam 17 Aoû - 16:14


Le projet suivant correspond à vos critères d'investissement


Title: "SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!

Please visit website at:

For a more detailed overview and investment opportunities.(Call or email to get Financial Portal access code found within web site).

Proposal Summary:

Our website tells it all in GREAT DETAIL, please visit at:


If you can swim, you can SNOOKLE™. SNOOKLING™ offers shallow dives (approximately 25′ to 30′) without cumbersome tanks and no diving certification necessary. Simply don one of our masks which provides fresh breathing air from a floating, environmentally friendly electric powered compressor through a 20 – 30 foot supply hose. This unit floats on the surface and follows you along your dive route.

Return On Investment:

Please see website, at "Investor Portal section..

Capital Needed: 229 620 € ($300,000 USD)

Minimum Investment: 3 827 € ($5,000 USD)

Region: Cayman Islands

Business Stage: Pre-Startup/R&D


Pour demander plus de renseignements sur le projet de l'entrepreneur, veuillez ouvrir session à,
cliquer sur l'onglet "Contact" et puis sur le bouton "Contacter l'entrepreneur".

Si vous voulez modifier vos critères d’investissement veuillez ouvrir session à

Meilleures salutations,

Mike Lebus
Réseau Financier Français
"Un lien privilégié entre les Entrepreneurs et les Business Angels"
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"SNOOKLING" it's better than snorkeling and close to scuba diving!!!
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